Monday, October 10, 2011

The Importance of Integers

There are many topics that can be debated as the most important in a math class. The more experience I gain.........not to mention more grey hair or less hair that is turning grey....... I realize that understanding Integers is the most most important. Integer, what the hell is an integer and what kind of genius decided on a  Z for the symbol. Why wouldn't you use an....wait for it......wait for it.......wait for it....... I ? Ok the word Integer is latin but the symbol comes from the word Zahlen which is German. Now I am really wonder students struggle I had a hard time just explaining this little numbers.

Being able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers is a life long skill that students do not master. If they do not master this concept and be able to show proficient understanding of how and why, students will struggle in all high school and college courses.

I guarantee my students will be proficient when it comes to Integers and how they affect us in the real world.............To be continued...............

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