Yes, teachers do have to use the rest room just like everyone else. We do not have bladders that obtain super the ability to stretch like a water balloon, or magically make the liquid disappear. The reactions students give a teacher who walks into the restroom to take care of business are priceless.
1. The amazement on their face when I walk up to the urinal, immediately followed by the standing at attention as if the toilet was a drill instructor!
2. The uncomfortable tone in their voice when you try to have a conversation about the day, or it may be that they are in the deepest concentration mode ever!
3. Followed by the instant red color in their face as they try to dialogue with their math teacher!
4. The hand washing success rate increases dramatically as the business is taken care off.
5. The instant silence of gossip, followed by the most serious students in the world! (All about the business! Donald Trump would be proud!)
6. The paper towels actually find the correct place of disposal!
The list can go on and on, but I think the best two reactions are when you follow a group of students into the bathroom and they instantly decide they do not need to go. Of course my favorite is reminding them to wipe and wishing them good luck!
Remember Middle School: The more gross the better teacher you are!
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