Friday, September 16, 2011

Metal Mouth, Brace Face, Train tracks, or Zipper Face

Yep, the braces are on and I got a lot of street cred for having them. My GRILLS are the bomb, and I feel like a bomb went off in my mouth. My students enjoyed the fact that I was struggling to talk today, and yes maybe I even drooled a little in front of the class. One student was quick to point out that it sounds like I have a lisp now! I guess I would say lithp!!!!LOL
Flashback......before I was going to be gone I wanted to talk about expectations for my students with the guest teacher. There is nothing I hate more than a bad report from the guest teacher saying that my students were off task and rude. So, they day before I talked to the kids about how they have painted a picture of who they were the past 11 days or so (thats how long we have been in school). I told them that they are kind, respectful, hard working, all about business, prepared, and ready to learn. (of course that was the 100% truth)........I was told this summer that it is ok to lie to your students.
I told them that just because I was not the one in front of them teaching that that should not change. That when I get back the sub should say that this was the best class I have ever had the pleasure to sub for and will come back anytime. (Yeah and monkeys might fly out of my butt)
The report was good from the guest teacher so the front-loading...........and lying......... helped the students stay on task and be respectful to the person willing to sub not only in a middle school classroom, but a middle school MATH classroom.


  1. Monkeys flying out your butt. Now there is a visual for the whole world to enjoy!

  2. I like your term "guest teacher." I guess as a substitute that makes me feel less like a babysitter, since I actually do try to keep us with a teacher's lessons.
