Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Double Dice To the Rescue!

Man it was a hot one today! I knew it was going to be a great day because I got to unveil my new hot, pink, polo and believe me when I say hot pink I mean the hottest, pinkest, of hot pink! (I kinda felt like singing "If You Think I'm Sexy" by Right Said Fred)... Lets just say I took a small risk by wearing this shirt down a middle school hallway.

If a math teacher is gonna have and use manipulatives in the classroom.......wait let me back up. A great math teacher will have manipulatives coming out of you know what!!!! They are an important part of the learning process and need to be available at the drop of a hat. With that being said, Double Dice are a must have. I used them today when reviewing exponents. The inner dice represented the Base and the outer represented the Exponent. Students rolled the dice and evaluated the problem. This got the kids moving and all were engaged in a math lesson, which is AWESOME. Tomorrow, I will have the kids pair up against each other and Duel. One roll of the dice and the first student to answer correctly will win. The other student must die a honorable death with as many sound effects as possible. There will be a prize for the winner of Dueling exponents and a prize for the most over the top death. This should look and sound interesting, my luck the principal will walk in at the exact time a student croaks! Just another day at the office!

Now that I think about it, I got many compliments on my shirt today and even a you look cute from the wife at home! Pink may be my new color? NOT!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like your PINK shirt!! Even if it is the hottest of hot pinks! And you do look cute in it!
